Net de Itaria go (Learning Italian on Net)
This website provides various useful information, ranging from general explanations of Italian grammar to proficiency tests and pronunciation learning.
Giulio Bertelli’s YouTube channel
Osaka University’s lecturer teaches Italian grammar on his YouTube site.
Learn Italian with Italy Made Easy
YouTube site for learners of the Italian language
Studiamo italiano
This website provides various useful topics, ranging from general explanations of Italian grammar to proficiency tests and pronunciation learning.
Treccani Online Italian Language Dictionary
Online dictionary that updates its vocabulary constantly
National public broadcasting company of Italy
A variety of TV and radio programs are available.
La Repubblica (Daily newspaper)
One of the major newspapers in Italy
Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Tokyo
An affiliated organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy. This website provides useful information about studying in Italy, cultural events and much more.
Istituto Italiano di Cultura – Osaka
Osaka branch of the above organization